At Nova Scotians Going Solar, we’re more than just a business. We’re your informed neighbours in the dynamic world of energy. As the Carbon Tax discussion garners momentum, it’s crucial to discern its implications for your household’s electric bills.

Deciphering the Carbon Tax

The fate of the Carbon Tax lies with the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board. Given our insights, it appears Nova Scotia Power plans to transfer 100% of this carbon tax expense to its patrons.

Starting today, the Carbon Tax is priced at $65 per ton of CO2 equivalent. Set on an upward trajectory, the Canadian government projects an annual surge of $15, culminating at $170 per ton of CO2 equivalent by 2030. This ascent will likely induce an initial 20.21% increase in our electric bills.

Carbon Cost Evolution: A Quick Overview

YearCost of Carbon

Demystifying Your Electric Bill

From January 1st, 2024, the electricity rate will be set at $0.17609 per kilowatt-hour. Considering the average Nova Scotian household’s consumption of 829-kilowatt hours per month and a consistent base charge of $19.17, this will have a considerable impact on monthly expenditures.

Furthermore, the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) levies a 15% charge. However, a provincial rebate kindly subtracts 10%, leaving just a 5% federal levy.

Example Electric Bill Calculation (Excluding Carbon Tax):

Electricity Cost: 829 kWh * $0.17609/kWh = $146.04

Base Charge: $19.17

Subtotal: $165.21

5% HST: $165.21 * 0.05 = $8.26

Total Monthly Charge: $173.47

Example Electric Bill Calculation (Including the 2023 Carbon Tax at 20.21% Increase):

Electricity Cost: 829 kWh * $0.17609/kWh = $146.04

Base Charge: $19.17

Subtotal before Carbon Tax: $165.21

Carbon Tax Increase (20.21% of $165.21): $33.39

New Subtotal with Carbon Tax: $198.60

5% HST: $206.51 * 0.05 = $9.93

Total Monthly Charge with Carbon Tax: $208.53

At Nova Scotians Going Solar, we are committed to guiding you through these energy shifts. In the following segments, we’ll offer deeper insights and potential remedies. Stay with us as we explore the energy landscape, with an emphasis on how solar energy can be your safeguard against escalating electric bills.

Estimated Carbon Tax Impact on Monthly and Yearly Electric Bills (2023-2030)

YearCost of Carbon Estimated Monthly Carbon TaxEstimated Yearly Carbon Tax

Note: The chart above provides an estimated monthly and yearly additional cost due to the Carbon Tax for the average household, based on the consumption of 829 kWh per month. The calculations take into account the escalating Carbon Tax rate from 2023-2030, starting at $65 and increasing by $15 each year until reaching $170 by 2030.

Comprehensive Estimation of Monthly and Yearly Electric Bills (Including Carbon Tax) From 2023-2030

YearCost of Carbon Monthly Carbon TaxMonthly Electric BillYearly Electric Bill

This chart displays a comprehensive breakdown of the estimated monthly and yearly electric bills, inclusive of the Carbon Tax, for an average household in Nova Scotia. The calculations incorporate the rising Carbon Tax rate from 2023-2030 and the consumption of 829 kWh per month. As the Carbon Tax incrementally increases, one can observe the corresponding rise in monthly and yearly electricity expenses.

The Unpredictability of Future Rate Increases and Projects Costs by Nova Scotia Power

While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information on energy costs, certain aspects remain uncertain. Here are a few critical points we want to highlight:

  1. Future Rate Increases: We have visibility into Nova Scotia Power’s rate increase planned for 2024, but rates for 2025 and beyond remain unpredictable. Past trends show that they’ve increased rates by 6.8% in recent times, and our analysis indicates a similar 6.9% hike come January 2024. However, an annual rate increase of 2-3% could be a conservative expectation, but remember, these are merely estimates.
  2. Project Recoveries: Nova Scotia Power is looking to recover an estimated $200 million from ratepayers for undisclosed projects. The Muskrat Falls project, initially promising affordable clean energy, has unfortunately transformed into a considerable financial burden. Rather than absorbing these costs, Nova Scotia Power intends to transfer them entirely to its customers.
  3. Beyond 2030: The cost implications of the Carbon Tax beyond 2030 remain ambiguous. The Canadian government hasn’t provided directives or price points post that year.

While we do our best to anticipate and inform, the nature of the energy sector and decisions made by Nova Scotia Power can be unpredictable. We genuinely regret any inconvenience this uncertainty might cause and remain committed to keeping you informed to the best of our ability.

Renewable Energy Mandates and the Impending Demand Surge

We’d like to bring to our readers and customers’ attention some significant legislative mandates and their potential impact on energy demand in the coming years:

  1. Nova Scotia Power’s Renewable Energy Goal: As per provincial legislation, Nova Scotia Power is on track to achieve a commendable 80% renewable energy production by 2030. This ambitious target is in line with global efforts to reduce carbon footprints and promote sustainable energy sources. This transition, however, necessitates the closure of their coal-fired power plants by 2030, marking a dramatic shift in the province’s energy landscape.
  2. Canada’s Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Mandate: The Canadian government is aggressively promoting the adoption of zero-emission vehicles. Starting in 2026, at least 20% of new light-duty vehicles sold must be zero-emission. This quota will escalate rapidly to 60% by 2030, and by 2035, it is mandated that all new light-duty vehicles sold in Canada be zero-emission.
  3. Implications on Energy Demand: The transition to ZEVs signifies not only an environmental win but also a noteworthy surge in electricity consumption. As more vehicles shift from gasoline to electric power sources, the demand on our electricity grid will rise substantially. Given the closing of coal plants and the ambitious goals of renewable energy adoption, this added demand will be a challenge that Nova Scotia Power and other energy providers must tackle head-on.

These legislative milestones, while environmentally crucial, bring with them challenges in balancing supply and demand, maintaining affordable rates, and ensuring a seamless transition. As consumers, it’s essential to be aware of these changes, as they will shape our energy consumption patterns and costs in the coming years.

Projected New Car Sales and Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Consumption in Nova Scotia (2024-2035) Including Carbon Tax and HST

YearTotal Cars SoldGas Cars SoldZEV SoldEV kWh Daily ConsumptionEV Annual Consumption (kWh)EV Annual Charging Cost (Per Car)


  1. The number of zero-emission vehicles sold is based on the Canadian government mandates of 20% by 2026, 60% by 2030, and 100% by 2035.
  2. EV daily consumption is calculated as 11.81 kWh multiplied by the number of zero-emission vehicles sold. The annual consumption is this value times 365.
  3. EV annual charging cost is based on the price of $0.17609 per kWh, the yearly increasing carbon tax, and the 5% HST.

This table shows the expected increase in electric vehicle sales, their charging consumption, and the associated costs from 2024 to 2035 in Nova Scotia. With the shift to electric, consumers can anticipate a rise in their electricity bills due to EV charging while also contributing positively to the environment.

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