About Us

Nova Scotians Going Solar is your gateway to our beloved province’s brighter, greener future. Nestled in the heart of Nova Scotia, we’re more than just a solar system sales provider. We’re a community of visionaries committed to sustainability and dedicated to making solar energy an accessible choice for every household.

Our Mission

Our passion is deeply rooted in the belief that the sun’s power can transform our homes, lives, and planet. While we don’t handle the installations, our expertise lies in connecting you with the best solar solutions tailored to your needs. We’ve forged valuable partnerships with top-notch installers, ensuring you’re always in capable hands while you embark on this solar journey with us.

As advocates for renewable energy, we also cherish the vibrant community we’re building online. Through engaging content on our social media platforms, we aim to educate, inspire, and invite conversations around the marvels of solar power. We’re here to guide, support, and celebrate each milestone with you.

Executive Team

Joshua Eaton

President of Canadians Going Solar Inc

He is leading our push into renewable energy with an emphasis on solar advancements. His profound expertise guides the optimization of solar deployments and pioneers innovative strategies, positioning us at the cutting edge of sustainable energy.

Dylan Allen

Vice President and Director of Operations

Bringing a wealth of sales experience to the team, ensuring we remain leaders in the solar industry. Beyond guiding our national operations and expansion, he expertly facilitates communication between our sales professionals, installers, and solar engineers. Additionally, Dylan serves as Vice President of Canadians Going Solar Inc., further highlighting his dedication and pivotal role in advancing our sustainable endeavours.

Ashley Lane

Executive Assistant

Most of her working career has been spent in an administrative role. She has experience in office management as well as financial administration. She thrives on being highly organized, with a primary focus on ensuring customers are well-informed and have a seamless transition to renewable energy. She loves working in a career that helps Nova Scotians become more efficient!

Engineering Team

Muhammad Yousif

Lead Solar Designer

Brings a rich blend of expertise in both electronics and power engineering. With a bachelor’s degree in electronics engineering and a postgraduate qualification in power engineering, he has honed his skills in solar design and cost estimation over more than four years. As Nova Scotians Going Solar’s lead designer, His deep knowledge and passion drive the innovation and precision behind our solar solutions.

Muhammad Younis

Solar Designer

A fresh and dynamic talent in the solar industry, Muhammad holds a degree in Energy and Environmental Engineering. Even with a year of experience since his recent graduation, he has showcased immense promise and dedication. At Nova Scotians Going Solar, He contributes his knowledge and enthusiasm to designing effective and sustainable solar solutions.


Maritime Solar

Our premier provider of solar panel installations prides itself on a team of seasoned experts dedicated to fostering client growth even in challenging times. Through a deep understanding of our customers’ needs, we deliver bespoke solutions underpinned by comprehensive research and data-driven analysis. Our commitment to forging enduring client relationships is evident in our unparalleled customer service, top-tier brands and components, battery-ready inverters, and consistent 5-star reviews from genuine customers.

Endorsements & Memberships

Better Business Bureau

The BBB boasts a robust community of more than 2,000 reputable Accredited Businesses, which continues to rise, offering services to consumers and businesses throughout Atlantic Canada.

Efficiency Nova Scotia

-Efficiency Preferred Partner

Efficiency Preferred Partners are professionals in various areas, including general contractors, insulation installers, heating system installers, electricians, and more. They connect home and business owners with these local professionals to help with energy efficiency improvements.

Solar Nova Scotia

-Corporate Member

Solar Nova Scotia envisions a future where Nova Scotia operates entirely on sustainable renewable energy. They highlight the province’s wealth of renewable energy resources as the foundation for achieving this goal. As a registered not-for-profit society, Solar Nova Scotia emphasizes its commitment to this vision by supporting a dynamic local industry.

Stripe Climate


To prevent the most catastrophic effects of climate change, we should aim to limit global average temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, which corresponds to reducing global annual CO₂ emissions from about 40 gigatons per year as of 2018, to net zero by 2050

Canadian Federation of Independent Business


The Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) is the country’s champion of small business. With over 97,000 members, they’re Canada’s largest non-profit organization devoted to creating and supporting an environment where your business can succeed.

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